
Snow (Hey Oh) - Red Hot Chili Peppers

This bottle of Funky Buddha - Last Snow rode with me in the car all the way from Tampa to Anchorage. I thought about drinking it a few times when I was by myself renting a room with a bunch of other people (March - May), but I decided to save it for when I passed my probation period. I had a probation period of six months during which I was paid one level below my salary and could be let go for most any reasons. This past week I passed that my probation period and was informed not only would I get my raise but I would be reimbursed for my background check and fingerprints (which I had to pay myself).

Speaking of snow, my coworker said this past week she traveled one of the high mountain passes and there was "glitter" which I guess is code for light snow. Sure enough when I drove by some of the bigger mountains they had fresh snow at the tops.

That brings me to a bet that my wife and I have about the first snow in Anchorage. I guessed October 15th and she guessed around October 23rd. There is a local saying that when the fireweed looses it's flowers and turns red that it is six weeks until first snow (there is a picture below of fireweed in Summer and when it has turned red). I was informed by some friends that they don't bet or call the first snow but instead they call when the snow "sticks" which is usually six inches or more. FYI they explained that it came rather lat last year.

So, it might be hard to tell but those plants that are red have lost their flowers and their leaves have turned red (hence the fireweed name). Interesting information, Alaska Fireweed is used locally to flavor honey, ice cream, and vodka (those are just the ones I've tried myself).


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