My Morning Jacket

My Morning Jacket - Phone Went West

In Florida I had one jacket (besides dress clothes aka sport coats). The first jacket I can remember ever having was an orange creamsicle Tampa Bay Buccaneers jacket that was lined with this red faux fur. I wore it when I was like 4 years old. The times we wore jackets / sweaters / windbreakers were memorable because they didn't happen often. When I was in high school I got a letter jacket. I was always excited to go "up North" to Alabama, Georgia, North Carolina, or Illinois to get to where what little cold weather clothes I had.

Now I have a lot of jackets and they seem to have a specific set of conditions that I wear them for:

Carhartt Arctic Snorkle Parka (green and pictured at the beginning)  - Snow and below 20 degrees, I've worn it at -40 so it works really well.

North Face Jacket (yellow) - rain, wind, hiking or camping, zip-in liner when it is colder than 45

Leather Jacket - the lightest jacket I have, I'd say 40 - 60 degrees

Letter Jacket - 30 - 40 degrees

Carhartt Workman's Jacket (blue) - I got this for $8 at a Salvation Army these things are over $100 new and this was a special one because it is fire resistant and came from a Pipeline company. This jacket is good below 40 but above 25.

Wool Overcoat - when I want to be fancy and it is between 45 and 30.

So, I'm still trying to get down what jacket to wear at different times and I choose based on what the weather is "supposed" to be for the day. AND I KEEP GETTING IT WRONG!

Let me explain, Monday they said it was going to be in the upper 40's in the morning and upper 50's during the day. I chose the leather jacket. Nope! It was 39 in the morning and 63 during the day. Tuesday it was supposed to be low 40's all day, I chose the blue jacket. Nope! It was in the 50's all day BUT if you stood outside for a while it was super windy and a cloth jacket is horrible for that.... ERR!

Let me say that there is a parallel to Florida here because they say in Florida if you don't like the weather just wait a second and it will change. Alaska is just like that and they both seem to have rather unpredictable weather.

In case you were wondering I just went with my gut today and wore the leather jacket. In part because I like how it looks with my outfit and if I'm going to choose wrong I might as well look good doing it, right?


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