Adventure Time

The Adventure Time Theme

Every weekend I try to plan something fun or different for the family to do and try to experience a little of Alaska. This Sunday we planned on going to Whittier, Alaska. When I was loading the car I heard my wife tell the kids, "Come on get dressed! We're going on an adventure!".

We drove south on the Seward Highway and turned left at Portage Glacier Road. Then we came to the tunnel

If you didn't know Whittier is located on Prince William Sound and there is only way to get there by road. (It is also possible to arrive by seaplane, boat, or train). There is a tunnel that goes through a mountain and the tunnel has a lot of rules This is not an extensive list: drive 25 MPH or slower, keep 100 feet distance between your vehicle and the vehicle in front of you, and if the emergency strobe lights go off you have to leave your car unlocked and evacuate to the closest "safe house" within the tunnel.

It took us about an hour and 45 minutes to drive there. We were exceptionally lucky that it was not cloudy or rainy (Whittier receives more rain than any other city in the United States). Unfortunately many of the businesses were closed and I'm not sure if that's because it isn't tourist season anymore or because it was Sunday. We had brunch at the Lazy Otter. Lorrie and I had an everything bagel with smoked salmon spread, it was soooooooo delicious. James had a brownie and Gracen had ice cream.

We had a nice walk around and saw lots of waterfalls. A local let us use his binoculars to see a large black bear eating berries. From the Lazy Otter we took the pedestrian tunnel to downtown Whittier. We walked by the condos where most everyone in Whittier lives and the school that is across the street. They have a playground that is under a shelter which I'm sure is helpful since they receive so much rain and snow.

After about an hour and half we headed back home. Lorrie and I talked about coming back to kayak or go on a glacier cruise. I'll have to start thinking about what we will do for our next adventure.


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