Money for Nothing

Money for Nothing - Dire Straits

First let me say picking a song for this topic was hard because there are so many good songs about money from "Money, Money, Money" to "Can't Buy Me Love" to "Take the Money and Run". They are all great songs but the music video for "Money for Nothing" is so memorable and a bit crazy plus that guitar riff is amazing,

When I first came to Anchorage I bought almost everything at Fred Meyers but then I had an incident (which is a funny story for another time) where I had to buy more jeans ASAP. I was on my way to American Eagle in South Anchorage. When I close to the mall I saw a sign that read, "50% OFF ALL ITEMS TODAY!". One of the places was a Salvation Army Store and the other was Value Village. At Salvation Army I found my before mentioned $100+ Carhartt  coat for $8 and a plaid shirt for $3. Then I went next door to Value Village and found a Nike hoodie for $5 and two pairs of Levi's jeans for $4 a piece.

When Lorrie came she found out that Value Village has a rewards program where you can get discount vouchers for spending certain levels. Different locations are better for certain items and the same is true with the different Salvation Army locations. Good Will was a disappointment but they have some really odd stuff like camping gear so their might still be a deal to be found.

Online places that I've found deals has been Craigslist. I found the room I rented for $275 a month which included utilities. Furniture was a couch for $175, TV stand for $20, dining room table and chairs $75, club chair $30, tent for $10, and loft bed with dresser (that purchase is a whole story in itself because I made a great friend in buying that bed). Recently on Facebook Marketplace I purchased four, good as new, snow tires on the rim for $150. These are expensive Bridgestone Blizzak tires which can cost over $200 a piece!

Besides the good deals, people have been incredibly generous. My boss gave me fishing poles. My friend Amanda let us stay at her house when we visited Fairbanks. There has been a lot of giving people in Alaska and I'm glad to meet and make friends here.


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