Informer (Snow) Informer - Snow I know this is a weird song choice but whenever I hear "snow" I automatically thing of this cheesey song from around Middle School (maybe high school). I just learned that Snow was from Canada, you can't make this stuff up. I wonder if he was a bastard like Jon Snow... I mean I know Jon is actually Aegon and not a bastard but bastards of the North were given the last name "Snow". Sorry for my trip into Game of Thrones. Anyways, it snowed on Saturday, October 21st! It was chilly in the morning and I had already planned to change the tire tires out and while I was at it change out the air filter, cabin air filter, and wipers. While I was at it I was going to change the brake pads. Well, that was the plan... the auto parts store gave me a power steering motor instead of an engine air filter (I knew that thing felt too heavy) and Kendall Toyota gave me the wrong size brake pads. On my way to e...